Help Us Protect The Land next to the Museum


Our November 4th deadline approached; it has been a whirlwind of a few weeks! Through donations and pledges, we feel confident in submitting a purchase agreement to secure the property!

We are awaiting all funds to come through our account so we will continue to leave the fundraiser open for support. The deal is not done until we cut the check on closing date of November 16th.  If we end up with additional funds beyond the $125,000 plus closing costs and fees, we will set those funds aside to utilize for the future development of the land which we hope to do relatively soon.

All contributions are still welcome! We will be doing a drawing for prizes to contributors with $25, $100, $500, and $1000 donations.

$1000 contributors and higher will receive recognition on the property. Executive Director will contact these contributors individually to discuss.  

We have pledges, checks, and our website collecting contributions. If you want a clear update on where we stand, please call the museum at 218-326-1900 and talk to Executive Director Janie Heitz or Our mailing address is Judy Garland Children’s Museum, PO Box 724 Grand Rapids MN 55744.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us in raising this money so we can continue to use this land for generations to come!

Judy Garland Children’s Museum Staff


For questions and pledges, please reach out to Executive Director Janie Heitz at the museum at 218-327-9276.

We appreciate your support and look forward to the future of this space!